Sips with Sitti: S1 E2: "Owning Your Women-Owned Business Story"


“We tend to glamourize this concept of entrepreneurship in a way that it’s control over your schedule and control over your life. You have more control to do what you want when you want… it is actually the opposite. Running a business requires you to place boundaries on yourself, which often times is difficult to do. As small businesses owners, we are wearing 10 different hats to keep our brand afloat. It is difficult to say 'no' to your own brand.” 

-  Jackie Sofia  (Q. What does female entrepreneurship look like?)

“Giving up to the fact that I am going to be interrupted… I have to keep going. For a lot of mothers, it isn’t an option to stop and break. If that happens, then no work gets done. Yes it might be loud, unorganized, and might not look professional, but that does not mean we are not dedicated.” 

- Noora Sharrab  (Q.How has been the adjustment of being a mother and a small business owner during the pandemic?)

“As a woman owned business, you have access to specific grant opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t, so it is important to take advantage of that! Especially here in Canada. A lot are worth checking out.” 

- Jackie Sofia  (Q. What resources are available for women owned businesses?)

“Sometimes it feels too big to start. Take it one step at a time, join a network. Start like that. Join a group on facebook, a group of women owned small businesses. You can ask questions here and advice for your vision… sometimes just asking the right person can make you and push you to take the extra step.” 

- Noora Sharrab  (Q. What is one piece of advice you would give to a woman who wants to start her own business?)

“I think for us it has been a sisterhood. Noora and I came to Jerash camp for different reasons, but both came to the point in that community where we felt that we were sitting next to our sisters. We feel this responsibility to this community because they are part of our community.” 

- Jackie Sofia  (Q. What draws you to Jerash Camp?)

@SittiSoap Sips with Sitti, Episode 2 on IGTV (full episode) - click here if you want to hear the full episode!
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32:47 SHEEO


  Watch full episode here.


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